Exercise well

There are many ways to easily build activity into your day that will help you stay fit and healthy. You don’t have to put lots of time and money into the gym to keep active. 

Frequent physical activity can help improve the quality of your life. It can reduce your risk of major illnesses like cancer and stroke, help boost energy levels and self-esteem and decrease your risk of stress. 

It might feel challenging to fit activity into a busy schedule, but you can develop new habits and these small lifestyle changes add up and can make a big impact. 

NHS guidelines suggest you should aim to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. This doesn’t have to be all at once. Check physical activity guidelines for your age group including how much you should do and what type of exercise:

Think about how to make exercise part of your daily activity. You might start taking a short walk in your lunch break or using the stairs more often. You might consider taking up a new active hobby, like netball or dancing, or doing short home workouts each day.

The NHS website has free exercise videos for aerobics, pilates, yoga, strength and resistance. The videos range from 10 to 45 minutes and are led by instructors. Age UK also has a series of physical activity videos, helping you to find ways to move that are right for you.

Visit the NHS Better Health website for more advice on becoming active. Here, there are details on how to download the free Couch to 5K app – the running programme for beginners - and the Active 10 app, which encourages you to walk briskly for just 10 minutes a day. 

Find initiatives and programmes in Hertfordshire and west Essex on the following pages.

Live Well on NHS.uk

NHS advice about healthy living, including mental health, eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.

Live well