The Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB constitution

Procedures for making decisions

5.1 Standing Orders

5.1.1 The ICB has agreed a set of standing orders which describe the processes that are employed to undertake its business. They include procedures for:

  • conducting the business of the ICB
  • the procedures to be followed during meetings
  • the process to delegate functions.

5.1.2 The Standing Orders apply to all committees and sub-committees of the ICB unless specified otherwise in the terms of reference that have been agreed by the board.

5.1.3 A full copy of the Standing Orders is included in Appendix 2 and form part of this Constitution.

5.2 Standing Financial Instructions

5.2.1 The ICB has agreed a set of Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs), which include the delegated limits of financial authority set out in the SoRD.

5.2.2 A copy of the SFIs is published in the Governance Handbook.