The Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB constitution

Arrangements for ensuring accountability and transparency

7.1.1 The ICB will demonstrate its accountability to local people, stakeholders and NHS England in a number of ways, including by upholding the requirement for transparency in accordance with paragraph 11(2) of Schedule 1B to the 2006 Act.

7.2 Principles

7.2.1 Please refer to paragraph 6.2 above.

7.3 Meetings and publications

7.3.1 Board meetings, and committees composed entirely of board members or that include all board members, will be held in public except where a resolution is agreed to exclude the public on the grounds that it is believed not to be in the public interest. 

7.3.2 Papers and minutes of all meetings held in public will be published.

7.3.3 Annual accounts will be externally audited and published.

7.3.4 A clear complaints process will be published. 

7.3.5 The ICB will comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and with the Information Commissioner Office requirements regarding the publication of information relating to the ICB.

7.3.6 Information will be provided to NHS England as required.

7.3.7 The Constitution and Governance Handbook will be published as well as other key documents including but not limited to: 

  • Standards of Business Conduct Policy (Incorporating Conflicts of Interest)
  • registers of interests
  • key policies (please see paragraph 1.7.3(d))

7.3.8 The ICB will publish, with its partner NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts, a plan at the start of each financial year that sets out how the ICB proposes to exercise its functions during the next five years. The plan will explain how the ICB proposes to discharge its duties under the 2006 Act:

  • Sections 14Z34 to 14Z45 (general duties of integrated care boards), and
  • sections 223GB and 223N (financial duties)
  1. proposed steps to implement Hertfordshire’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Essex’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy,
  2. proposed steps to address the particular needs of victims of  abuse (including domestic abuse and sexual abuse, whether of children and  adults, and
  3. the Integrated Care Partnership’s Integrated Care Strategy

7.4 Scrutiny and decision-making

7.4.1 At least three Non-executive Members will be appointed to the board, including the Chair; and all the board and committee members will comply with the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles) and meet the criteria described in the fit and proper person test.

7.4.2 Healthcare services will be arranged in a transparent way, and decisions around who provides services will be made in the best interests of patients, taxpayers and the population, in line with the rules set out in the NHS Provider Selection Regime.

7.4.3 The ICB will comply with the requirements of the NHS Provider Selection Regime, including:

  1. Complying with existing procurement rules until the provider selection regime comes into effect.

7.4.4 The ICB will comply with local authority health overview and scrutiny requirements of Essex County Council and Hertfordshire County Council.

7.5  Annual Report

7.5.1 The ICB will publish an Annual Report in accordance with any guidance published by NHS England; and that sets out how it has discharged its functions and fulfilled its duties in the previous financial year.  An annual report must in particular: 

  1. explain how the ICB has discharged its duties under section 14Z34 to 14Z45 and 14Z49 (general duties of integrated care boards)
  2. review the extent to which the ICB has exercised its functions in accordance with the plans published under section 14Z52 (forward plan) and section 14Z56 (capital resource use plan)
  3. review the extent to which the ICB has exercised its functions consistently with NHS England’s views set out in the latest statement published under section 13SA(1) (views about how functions relating to inequalities information should be exercised), and 
  4. review any steps that the ICB has taken to implement any joint local health and wellbeing strategy to which it was required to have regard under section 116B(1) of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.